I just have to say that I was very worried about
this time. The time right before my menstrual cycle. It has been the rule for the last couple of years that I would not be able to walk or talk...and the whole vertigo and migraines, and well all of the darn symtoms would come on full speed right before and during my periode. The days before..just in bed holding my head.
My Lilly would say, oh mommie's brains are coming out of her head today.
Yikes. well that she knows because she would get them too.
I am joyful that I feel fine. I have no symptoms at all. Only cramps. Big deal. They are welcome!
I did not follow the Dr.s protical for additional abx. I want only to take all of my supplements and vit. and try out herbs. I feel great. I am really very suprissed. Everyone can tell I am feeling good. Because I am out and about and smiling, oh and I know who they are now...lol
I am very pleased with my results from envita. I also still have my port. I was not in a hurry to have a surgery again just yet. And I want to keep it just to have some Ozone therapy for touch ups later. They really made me feel great. I have been reading that the blood when is good shape is 9 times more effective against bacteria than abx. So if this is why I felt so good after starting the Ozone therapy...who knows.
I am only reporting in that it worked for me. And no one is more suprised about it than me!