Martha's Vineyard said...
hey twin girl!
You should be pulling out of the low at some point, like week or so, if you are getting sicker and sicker, then maybe you should step back and look into what you are putting into your body.
If should listen to your body. If you are feeling worse and worse and getting lower and lower....that is not right!
What all are you drugging yourself with?
abx can kill you. that is no secret.
Be careful.
Maybe take yourself off of all the crap and go drug free for a while.
Sheesh. I'm de-lurking to respond to KeepHope and Martha's Vineyard here.
KeepHope, I'm sorry you're struggling so with the herxing. I can totally empathize with you. It has been explained to me (and is also available in some of the Lyme literature) that Lyme patients who have co-infections, particularly those that are co-infected with Mycoplasmas, will be much sicker and feel the effects of herxes far more than a person with only Lyme or perhaps only one or two co-infections.
I can understand how it feels because I have everything you've listed (except I haven't been tested for HV6 yet).
It has been explained to me by lyme doctors that much of the pain, discomfort and ill feeling we experience during Lyme (particularly during herxing) is due to inflammation. So you are on the right track as far as finding some relief for the herxing by turning to anti-inflammatories-type treatment.
One thing that was recommended to me by one of my docs was to use Quercitin for the inflammation. And it has definitely helped me. While it does not completely get rid of herxing reactions, it takes the edge off a bit sometimes. There are many companies that make Quercitin (it's an over the counter supplement). The brand recommended to me was made by Perque.
Another thing that has really helped (for me anyway) was to increase my probiotic doses. Another thing that seems to help many people (including me) is glutathione. I get mine by IV. It can stop a herx in it's tracks sometimes. But I would not supplement with this without checking with your doc first. If one has a problem with heavy metal toxicity, sometimes the glutathione can cause rapid detoxing of the metals at time when the body might not be best able to handle it.
Herxing for that many infections does not last only one week, as Martha'sVineyard eluded to. That statement seems contradictory to everything I've been told and read on treating Lyme and Lyme Co-Infections. I have been told by lyme doctors to expect to herx on and off throughout treatment.
Martha'sVineyard, I don't know to whom you were directing your above post to. While you address twingirls, your "advice" as it were, seems directed to KeepHope. So, I'll presume you were responding to her?
I think it's a shame that you have told a Lyme patient that the treatment she is receiving will kill her.
The leading Lyme doctors all say that antibiotics alone will probably not cure chronic Lyme and Lyme Co-Infections, that other treatments usually have to be incorporated at some point during treatment (i.e., herbs, supplements, treatements to boost the immune system, exercise, detoxing, etc.). However, they also admit that in patients with persistant, chronic, Lyme and Lyme Co-Infections, particularly with co-infected Mycoplasmas, antibiotics are needed. And frequently needed for relatively "long" courses at least at some point during treatment.
If Martha's post was directed to you, KeepHope, I'm sorry that you were responded to like that.
Just my sorry 'ole 2 cents.