Hi pcpc and all,
Very interesting information. I guess in my case I am the exception to the rule as I became better after about 8 months (maybe less) using a different alternative medicine protocol very much to my surprise as I was very sick for 10 years with severe joint pain, brain fog, lyme rage episodes, couldn't walk for a long time, etc.
Antibiotics (it was Doxy) didn't help me as I thought it would. Then for 4 years I tried all sorts of natural remedies (not Zhang) which didn't help either. Then a friend told me about this alternative medicine protocol written in a book and I went on that and have been in remission for over 3 years now.
I view my good health as a result of taking botanicals, heavy detoxing, and building my immune system. To this day I keep detoxing and take immune boosting supplements as well as exercising. I believe that attitude plays a huge role in this disease as well, if one is going to think positive then I believe they will get better faster as the mind is a powerful tool. Thus I believe it's a combination of addressing every aspect of one's body including the mind. I never believed in the word "cured" as I think (I could be wrong) that we will always have lyme bacteria's in our bodies to some degree (I was retested and the results showed no lyme or coinfections). When I was sick I did test CDC positive for ehrlichiosis.
Does Zhang address detoxing? Just curious because where do the toxins go if not eliminated from the body? The people I help do detox as they find detoxing daily gets rid of their pains and many ailments.
In my case, I had a huge amount of ammonia in my brain as well as my tissues which caused the lyme rage episodes, that was really scary! So I took a product to clear out that ammonia and have been fine every since. No more brain fog either...
So that's what worked for me.. I know everyone is different and responds differently to protocols, I think it's a matter of finding the right protocol.
Thanks again for your input,