Hello everyone,
I'm just going to give you al a brief overview of what's goin on with me. Early january i started having disturbing visual things happen to me and i bounced from doctor to doctor, specialist to specialist to figure out what was happening with me. Nothing everyone told me it was nothing. My eye specialist actually got mad at me for crying in his office and said it's all psycho sematic and i should maybe consider anti anxiety meds.
Finally come february a family member that has dealt with lyme thought i should get tested through igenex, i did, and it came back positive. I have suffered from joint pains for years but told it was juvenile arthritis. My neurological symptoms came as of this year and included:
*memory loss
* sensitivity to light
*flashes in my eyes
*after images of things that didn't even have light reflecting on it
*I would haze things out
* i would get almost like fluorescent dashes over my vision when i look at something stark white or a blue sky.
* i would have numbness and tingling in my head, arms, legs etc.
* i would get almost like a lava lamp in my eyelids when i would try to go to sleep.
* lightning images all across my lower eyes and upper eyes
My family doctor was willing to perscribe but wasn't familiar with the illness. That is the best I could do as there are no doctors even close to me that deal with lyme patients. Anyways i was started on a course of biaxin and tinidazole. I herxed after my third pill and felt like i was hit by a bus. I would occassionaly sweat and then feel very cold. My legs were sore a lot of time. After 2 1/2 months i felt as if my joint etc were getting better but neurologically i wasn't seeing any improvement so we decided to change me onto ceftin and try levaquin with it to treat bartonella with the lyme. I didn't doso well with the levaquin it wasn't agreeing with me. So i stopped the levaquin and went on to take the ceftin and tinidiazole. The whole time i was on ceftin about 4 weeks i would have racing heart, blood pressure would drop and then go up just felt off when i was on it and still not sure if it was herx reaction or maybe an allergic reaction. (but i had about 4 days where i felt fantastic whileon this)
After i was put back on biaxin and tinidazole combo but they lowered my dose to see if i could handle it better. On came my next problem YEAST!!! my throat felt completely coated and i was having a hard time swallowing so was taken off antibiotics for 10 days. I have to say on the 10 days i was off i started to have static in my vision more pins and needles.....i found it so bizarre that i could feel something so quick after stopping. ( i had only been on 3 full months of antibiotics and 1.5 months of pulsing at lower dose at this point.
The other day i started ceftin again we thought we would give it a try and i've stopped everything else to see if i can get it into my system properly without reaction. I already don't think it's agreeing with me. I'm so frightened about my eyes and while some symptoms have lifetd i have now this new symptom which is static vision...and more of the fluorescent dashes when i look at the light. Could all this neurological stuff be bart and i'm being undertreated? I just want to get this over with and have my life back i know it's a long journey. I accept that part. But i can't seem to get on a combo of meds that work for me so I can go ahead and get on my path to feeling somewhat better. I don't drive i don't do anything and i'm a newlywed. In january before i got sick we were actually considering having children this year. It's hard it's really really hard to keep my life to gether at this point. I just want some help i have no clue what to do i'm treating myself and i'm running out of energy completely...sometimes i feel giving up is my only solution.