Posted 7/20/2009 6:58 PM (GMT -5)
This is a staple of holistic practitioners.It's a non-invasive method of removing toxins and gallstones from the liver and gallbladder.There are several ways to do this. First I'll describe the protocol that I've used.This was taught to me by my great-grandmother,who passed peacefully last year at the age of 103.She still had her gallbladder.
Most people should probably do a colon cleanse first,unless they've been consuming a high-fiber intake regularly.When you flush your liver and gallbladder,you want wide-open plumbing to eliminate through.
This protocol also calls for drinking 1-2 qt of apple juice a day for 5 days.The juice contains malic acid,which helps loosen the adhesions between the stones,breaking them them up,making them smaller and easier to pass.
The first time I did this,I passed a LOT of stones,ranging in size from a grapeseed,to a cherry pit.Throughout the day I'd say at least ¾ cup,if not more!I don't know how big a gall bladder is exactly,but mine had to be full to capacity.I can't tell you how relieved I felt to see that junk on the OUTSIDE.
There is the likelihood of some nausea and discomfort during this process,though it's probably not as bad as having your gallbladder removed.In fact, the more discomfort you experience the more you needed to do this.The first time I did this,I woke up during the night,feeling nauseas,although I didn't throw up,and went back to sleep fairly easily.A friend of mine did throw up,but he was still glad he did it when he saw the results.
Don't be overly concerned with all this talk of nausea and throwing up,as it's not common to throw up.I just want to make you aware of the possibility.In any event,you will feel SOOO much better after you do this.You won't be able to remember when you last had so much energy.
The next few times I did this,my discomfort was very mild,and I didn't pass nearly as many stones.I hadn't done this for about 5 years.I felt there was no need,as I regularly consume lots of fiber and good fats.I drink lots of water and avoid processed foods.
However,I don't believe in just "talking the talk",so I decided it was time for another flush.Plus I wanted to make sure I wasn't leaving anything out.
I drank 2 gallons of apple juice over the course of 5 days.On the afternoon of the 5th day-
4:00 PM - I took 1 tablespoon Epsoms Salt,with water(a common laxative,magnesium also relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestines,making them less likely to spasm(cramp)should you pass any large pieces)
6:00 PM - I had a large fruit salad,with fresh fruit in season,with lots of whipped cream.This is really the best part,so enjoy it.You can use frozen fruit if it's winter.
8:00 PM - Another dose of Epsoms Salt.
10:00 PM It's showtime,folks.This is where it calls for drinking ½ cup olive oil,mixed with ½ cup fresh squeezed lemon juice.Stay with me.Honestly,as 10 o'clock approached,I began to feel just a little dread.I immediately told myself to stop indulging in such nonsense,and I was ok.Now, I cheated a little,and used some organic lemon juice,already squeezed.I had both it,and the olive oil in the fridge,cause I already knew what it tasted like warm.
Okay.I measured it out in a 500ml measuring cup.I debated on whether or not to hold my nose.I think the fact that it was cold,and the cup had a spout,made it easy.I took 3 or 4 gulps,and it was done!I was amazed that it had been so easy.
I went immediately to bed,lying on my right side,with my right knee pulled up towards my chest.This position keeps the gall bladder "open".I fell asleep pretty easily.
Now,if you should throw up after drinking the mixture,don't worry about it and don't try to "make it up".Just continue.You'll be fine.
2:00 AM - I woke up,feeling a little sick.I fell back asleep easily though.
6:00 AM - I woke up,feeling pretty good,but the next step wasn't until 8 o'clock,so I went back to sleep.
8:00 AM - Another dose of Epsoms Salt.Now you wait for a bowel movement.(You don't have long to wait)In my case,about an hour.