IMHO, & if I remember correctly from what I have read over the 20 plus yrs on these subjects- each one of these chronic conditions attack mainly while our bodies are stressed.
The thing that sucks the most is that we don't always know when or what is going to be 'the straw that breaks the camels' back.
I have tried to figure out when my body is under stress over the last 24 or so years & I seem to never be amazed when it happens. We don't always know or understand just how much stress any one thing may be causing our bodies.
Not to mention the miriad (sp?) of things like heavy metal toxicity or even a fungal infection which may not be showing overt signs.
There are many reasons I should have suspected mold to be an issue in our unfinished home, but we honestly didn't live in it for the 1st 10 yrs - we traveled for hubbys' work.
Now, as we are starting to try to repair those "little" items we had noticed recently - well - we have uncovered a lot more than we ever expected (similar to my experience with LD & getting tx -
that's just not right!!) We have a much bigger mold issue than we ever thought we had.
So I have spent the last 10 yrs with my body fighting mold & I had no clue how hard it was having to fight. Our immune systems get compromised - that's when these things get their foot in the door.
BTW- our bedroom ceiling is getting torn down & repaired and will have new insulation, starting in a couple of days. Sure glad the weather is not really hot or really cold here!!!
One more thing- I was dxed w/ CFS & told I would never work again in 1987 & dxed w/ Fibro (18 out of 18 trigger points reacting) in 2007.