Most gyn's won't continue to treat unless you get your annual exam. I rememeber when I was first pregnant and was so sick I couldn't even stand up. Of course, I HAD to see an ob, but it was the last thing I wanted to do. I let them know how sick I was and when I came in in a wheelchair they hadn't really seen that before. They let me sit in the back room so I wouldn't have to be "sick" in the waiting room. And on my first visit they couldn't do a pap because I was just too sick and he told me that in order for him to be my doctor I had to have it done. I went in 2 weeks later and had it done, but boy it wasn't easy dragging myself to those appointments. I thought I was going to die every single time.
The good part is just doing it and getting it over with then no worries for another entire year. If your doc knows how sick you are, they may work with you by getting you the first appointment so you don't have to wait or letting you wait in another room where you can lie down if you have to. I am sure they will accomodate you. I know they had to with me.