I figured my regular bloodwork would be off if this had gotten really ugly- Thank you Razzle-I need all the info i can get, and it is encouraging to know many people have these
viruses, I keep forgetting i'm really not an island all on my own- anyway it stands to reason then we should fight this mess like mad b/c I for one don't want to be without any
immune system at all. I'm a blessed in the fact that i am not required to go out and be exposed to things as much as i would be if i didn't have a husband or parents close at hand. Even doctor visits concern me now. I have my hand sanitizer out as soon as we step out the door. Here's one i just thought of- if lyme "disables" our immnue system then how does it know to use the vit C or can it even still use the vit C?
And this
swine flu mess- can lymies even survive that? I cant help wondering if its very purpose is to wipe out all the lymies!
okay maybe as one of my co-infections they should say "chronic negativity"
I get the feeling that vit C question is beyond newbie "dumbness". Honestly I really didn't used to know or care much about
how my body worked. Now i'm paying for it!