Hi Peacesoul,
What a beautiful post! I am so happy for you as I remember when you felt conflicted (is that a word?) and look at you now! I thank you for supporting me whenever I talked about natural medicine and what is the word I always use? Oh that's right, detoxing! LOL!
Funny, before I became sick with lyme I always associated "detox" with the 1970's and 80's when I detoxed from alcohol due to my "unwanted" addiction.. When I first heard that word on a lyme forum I thought what??? I know detox, I have done that before..
They wrote about laying in a bathtub filled with warm water, salts and HP and I'm sitting behind my monitor saying to myself "now what does that have to do getting rid of lyme?".. didn't make any sense to me at that time.. I thought those people were strange!
Until I really learned how important detoxing truly is and how it played a huge role in my getting better..
Anyway, congratulations on your work and dedication on becoming an NP! What a beautiful road you chose, instead of being bitter or angry, you embraced this disease and turned it into a positive.. And that's what it's all about, people helping others..
Keep in touch okay?