Just wondering if anyone else has Lyme and Crohn's Disease or any other IBD? There are days that I don't know if the pain is the Lyme or the Crohn's or maybe even both. I know some of the symptoms are symtoms of both diseases.
For any of you who do have an IBD and a non-typical Lyme test ever have doctors tell you it's just your Crohn's and there is nothing wrong with you? I have experienced this a lot lately and I just want to SCREAM (well maybe I did at the last two doctors!) My WB test only showed bands 41 & 23 so other than the LLMD, no one believes I have Lyme and tell me "Just get used to having Crohn's". I've had Crohn's since 2001 and was just diagnosed with Lyme this past June.
Just wondering if anyone else out there has both and how you tell the difference between some of the symptoms and if there is anything you take for the pain that works? Taking Prednisone is a catch 22 for me, works great for the Crohn's but is the worst for Lyme.