I use chelation to chelate a monster burder of mercury that i have in my system. Mercury and some other heavy metals are direct immunosuppresants and will keep you sick. Have a hair analysis done and find out if you have high lead levels, mercury, arsenic, etc. There is also a big link between mercury burden and lyme.. google it.
My levels were literally off the charts, and when i reviewed how far off the charts, it was more then double the maximum level of the charts. scary. hyberbaric.. ive done that a few times but i never felt anything other than breathing easier for a few hours after the treatment. the breathing easier is probably benefecial when done at least 7 times a week over the long haul. But alas, i can't afford to do it twice a day at 100 bucks a pop nor can i afford to buy one. Chelation at least you can measure your progress every so often via urine analysis. I am skeptical of the other claims that chelation therapy supposedly improves, but at least with metal you can directly measure it.