Hi Lovelabs,
Yesterday was one of my worst days ever. I felt like crying, but couldn't, then I did and then I stopped, then I was happy, then I was crying. Very emotional can you tell? I was tired all day (but two days before just running around crazy), had to take a power nap for a hour and half in the afternoon, then I was functioning fine. I'm finding I'm having more energy but my GI problems haven't changed that I can tell really. I'm taking strong probiotics, are you? I'm taking Difulcan as well. Co-Q10 and a multi. Yesterday was really the strongest herx I think I can recall. I was achy like I had the flu, but a nap did me well. I have my 4th shot tomorrow. Pound down the water, maybe take physillium to pull out the toxins, I do this every day in the morning.
Hang in there. You can email personally if you want to talk lindac@westbranchair.com