Let see if I can put this easily. When one of my little girls got lyme for the first time. The thing that made her better...asap, was 40 days of amoxy at around 1,200. She went from extremely ill to fine, with a scary herx in the middle. We are talking 105 fevers, cronic fatique, pain, mirgrains, depression...she was 5. She told me that she did not like her life anymore....I was like....oh god. But I finally got her into Dr. J.
It took months. But he finally got rid of the 105 fevers that she got every two weeks for years. Since the first time she got lyme she was 11 mos.
Okay....when I got lyme that summer of 03 and. Well 03 I was not treated. I just lost a baby for some odd reason at 3 and a half months. come to think of it. Alot of other women were losing babies that summer in the vineyard. All of us big gardeners. But in 04 is knocked me off of my but.
I found the tick. He was the size of pepper. I went down. I couldn't sleep, cried all night. Had trouble walking was unable to open the frig. fever, pain like...I had rolled a car, and a screaming mirgrian. And a awful pain in my neck which went down to the right shoulder.
My Dr. put me on doxy that I took for almost 2 mos. It did not work. I didn't understand why not. So of course I ended up going to so many more Dr.s for all of the new symptoms that I started getting.
My mistake. I should have taken the amoxy that worked for my kids. But I am alergic to pennicilain. Plus the other wierd thing was that I never tested postive with lab cor or Quest. And here I was....walking around sick as a dog. All of a sudden my life changed big time. And her were all of these Dr.'s telling me...you don't have lyme.
Well lets just say this. This is a time to tell you Dr. to read up. And ask him what tuleremia is.....or bart. And let him know that Tuleremia is alive and well and spreading all over the North East of the USA. that co infection will kill a young man in about 2 weeks flat. I lost two of my yard men from it.
So if the doxy does not work, and you never got treated without having to get abx on line or holding up a store, then you are now cronic.
Cornic is tougher, because now the lyme and gone all over the body and taken root in every darn organ. And it puts the immune system into a frenzy along with the central nervous system...hence...the severe mood swings and depression and anxiety and suicide.
So, at this point of cronic lyme. You need to not only need to put a stop to the reproduction of the bacteria, but you also have to re build the immune system now. Because it has been ruined. And then all of the symptoms are like dominos...you get everything wrong with you.
The only good thing about lyme reproduction is that it is slow. Unlike Maleria that multiplies I think every sevral hours. Lyme is evey 28 days. So that makes it a slow killer.
It makes horse's and cattle and dogs go lame. And when a animal goes lame we put it out of its misery. But when human goes lame, we put them on the sofa. And most of us with lyme are told that it is in our head.....wow...and are sent packing to a phycologist, who in turn drugs us silly to help us. Ahhhhhhh sounds like hell no?
Well it is. And for those out there who have someone with cronic lyme. It is only going to get worse, but not just for them, but for you. You are going to have to care for them for life. So....I strongely suggest getting them help now. And if that means selling off a car or getting a loan to pay for their treatment to get them fixed. You are going to be caring for them for a vry long time.