Cindy, Dr. C in MO (I assume is your doctor) is a "one antibiotic at a time" doctor. My wife and I both used him in the beginning when we were first dx. A lot of people like Dr. C, we certainly did, but his approach to treating lyme disease is not typical of the way most LLMDs treat.
You are right about
only getting one abx and not multiple abx like you hear others get. That is his treatment philosophy because he believes if you are given too many abx at one time, you will herx harder and have more side effects which will possibly discourage you from keeping up with your treatment and eventually give up and quit.
It is my understanding that Dr. C will give you multiple abx if you insist on it as long as you understand the ramifications of taking more than one abx at a time. During your next appt tell him that you'd like to do multiple abx and he'll probably allow you to do this. He might discourage you from doing it at first, but from what others have told me, he'll go along with it if he feels you'll commit to following his instructions.
I didn't do well on abx and was treated with natural medicine from Dr. Jernigan. I'm sure you've read about
Deejavu and myself who both have gotten well (I'm still getting better) on this protocol. You can do it in his office, which I recommend because you get treatments and therapies you can't get from doing the protocol at home. He also has a protocol you can do at home. If you purchase his book, "Beating Lyme Disease" by Dr. Jernigan, the protocol is all spelled out in his book. You can get the book here While you're at the website, look over the treatment and therapy protocol and give some consideration to it in the event you decide to try the natural approach in the near future.
The best thing you can do for yourself at this point is start detoxing. Unfortunately, Dr. C doesn't put a lot of emphasis on this. That's true with many LLMD's. Many of them tend to give you a handful of abx and have you go back for liver enzyme tests from time to time, but they don't always give clear information or instructions on how to detox which is so very important.
Dr. Jernigan's detox bath is posted on this forum where it says, "New to Lyme?....Start here!" Here's the link to it It's the second post on the thread.
Sorry you are going through so much suffering. We are here to help. Keep us posted and keep asking questions and in time you will get better!