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Burning and Tingling Sensations
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Lyme Disease
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Regular Member
Joined : Apr 2010
Posts : 22
Posted 4/20/2010 10:32 PM (GMT -5)
I was recently diagnosed with Lymes and have been taken Doxy for 2 weeks. I noticed last week my hands and feet have become really sensitive to either hot or cold temperatures whether it is water or air. Anyone else experienced this? Also I have discovered from having this condition how unsupportive my family is due to all symptoms, they just refuse and have refused from the past 4 years to be understanding and has treated me like a hypochondriac. I am very hurt! Being that I have suffered from this and now I finally find out what it is and they still give no support. I had already been suffering from depression due to this and am slowly feeling better and they knock me back down. I need a local Lymes support group with people who understand what we all have gone through with this terrible disease. Sincerely, Lonely with Lymes in VA
Veteran Member
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Posted 4/21/2010 8:48 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Nicki,
So sorry you have to go through this alone. It is very upsetting not to have support from your loved ones. They can't possibly know what you are going through. You might find that they will start to get behind you as you get better, somehow people shy away from someone they think is spiraling down the drain. I guess it's a natural self-protection.
As the Doxy starts to work, you will find a lot of symptoms get worse and some new ones appear as your body begins to fight off the bacteria. Just be aware of signs of allergic reaction (hives for example).
Your local paper might have news of a local Lyme support group.
Keep posting how you are doing.
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Posted 4/21/2010 6:04 PM (GMT -5)
Nikki, lyme is an incredibly lonely disease. I am a workaholic, fastpaced, do-ahead type person that has been slowed, dragged and depressed by lyme. I used to exercise, be fit, smart, witty and the last five years am anxiety ridden, arrogant, tired. This board has been a lifesaver for me. It is calming, soothing and reassuring to know that you are not crazy, not a hypocondriac and just plain feel crappy. It's a tough road but you have no choice. Everyone has something to battle and this is ours. We can do it. Seek solace here and take good good care of yourself and don't worry about
the others.
sickof lyme
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Posted 4/23/2010 7:46 PM (GMT -5)
Hey Nickki, Sorry you are struggling with this evil illness.I understand how hard it is to get others to understand what we are going through! Where in Va are you.I am in SW va,give me a e-mail if you want!
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Posted 4/23/2010 11:08 PM (GMT -5)
Sorry you are feeling so lonely because of Lyme's. Please know that you are not alone. I have also had Lyme's for 4 1/2 years now, just diagnosed about
8 months ago. Before I was diagnosed and in terrible shape (pain, horrible memory problems, easily upset, dizzy, etc.), I felt very hurt by my husband because he NEVER asked how I was feeling and always made a face when I would say I was in pain - which was very seldom because I rarely talk about
it. He has arthritis, which I have always been supportive of him - ask how he's feeling, help him however I could, etc. - and apparently in his mind my pain could not be as bad as his, so it didn't count. Well, I was thrilled to finally have a diagnoses and figured OK, now he knows what is wrong, maybe he'll be more supportive. Nada. He NEVER asks ANY questions and barely acknowledges if I do say anything. I even told him twice how much that hurts me that he never asks me and still nothing. The only thing he has said, after I found a new LLMD out of state, is that maybe I should try another local doctor. At first I took this as a sign that he really did care, but then realized that he just doesn't want to have to deal with my out of state appointment. I no longer feel any compassion for his arthritis problems - it's a two way street and I have gotten no support after years of being supportive of him. My own parents and siblings and friends that know (not many because I just don't talk about
it) never ask how I'm doing. I have always been the type of person to acknowledge other people's health issues and try to be supportive, but have found that it is not reciprocated. Rather than being bitter over it, I just don't let any of their problems affect me. If they bring it up, I'll be kind and listen, but I no longer ask them or worry about
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Posted 4/24/2010 8:49 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Nicki,
The good news is that you finally have a diagnosis, LLMD and treatment strategy that will hopefully resolve your symptoms with time. If you haven't done so already, you may want to purchase the documentary Under Our Skin. It is a good way to educate your family members about
Lyme disease and some of the controvery surrounding this illness. I live in Connecticut and there seems to be a greater awareness of the illness here, everyone seems to know somebody that has suffered with Lyme. I believe that we should always be supportive of anyone suffering with health issues.
You can always come to this forum and find support when you need it. Hope that you start seeing some improvement soon!
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Posted 4/25/2010 9:04 AM (GMT -5)
I found the ILADS website and my husband and I watched a couple of the videos and I think he understands more about
the disease now. I sent a couple of the videos to my parents but they still dont get it. They dont understand why last week I felt great and this week Im feel absolutely horrible. I had a bad week from herxing and all they said was well last week you said you felt great. They act like I am just putting on.
Tala3, with your husband I feel the same way towards some of my family members. The way they have turned the heads or LAUGHED when I said I hurt all over has made me very cold towards them and right or wrong I will never forgive them. I went from being a very energetic on the go girl all my life to doing absolutely nothing because I wasn't mentally or physically able to. Instead of sitting back and saying, hmmmm something aint quite right with her, they made assumptions that I had just gotten depressed and lazy and just didn't want to do anything. I tried to go back to college last year and when it was time for a test, I couldn't remember anything I had studied. It bothered me bad because when I had went before 4 years prior I had a 3.0 GPA. I knew something wasn't quite right but the family just told me I was getting older and thats why. LOL I thought we got smarter with old age not dumber! Seriously, why would my mind decline that bad within 4 years without something being wrong. My speech had become so bad with slurs or using wrong words that my 8 yr old daughter would have to correct me. As crazy as this sounds its like I have lost some of my vocabulary. I cant come up with words like I use to.
I am very lucky to have my husband who tries to understand. I think at times he does get upset because I dont have the energy to do the things we use to, I can see it in his face. But he hasnt turned his back on me. I always tell him I will get better, we will do the things we use to because Im going to win at this!
Friday I went to UVA because I had tremendous joint and back pain that was unbearable. At first I didn't tell them I had Lyme but the doctor was making it into my kidneys were bad so I went ahead and told him about
me having LYme and its amazing the bad treatment I got after that. While I was talking to the doctor, I told him its been hard and I am in my 30s and have 2 young children to raise, a nurse walked by the curtain and made a comment, well, Im 61 and have 4 kids, whats your point! I was fit to be tied!!!!!!!!!!!!! It amazes me how cold hearted people are!! All I have to say is KARMA! The doctor has scheduled for me to go to a rheumatologist for the joint pain. Has anyone else been to one for joint pain?
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Posted 4/25/2010 9:06 AM (GMT -5)
Regular Member
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Posted 4/25/2010 1:58 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Nicki,
I saw a rheumatologist about
six months ago when I was experiencing joint pain in my elbow, wrist and knee. He did some blood work and reported that my vitamin D levels were low. He prescribed Gabapentin for my numbness and joint pain and recomended taking a daily vitamin D-3 supplement.
My joint pain has resolved and I have discontinued the Gabapentin because it became less effective for my numbness after about
three months. I don't have any more visits scheduled with the rheumatologist. I'm working primary with the Neurologist and LLMD now.
We are glad to have you here on the HW Lyme Forum. Feel Better!
Veteran Member
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Posted 4/25/2010 4:19 PM (GMT -5)
Agreed w/ ALL of you -- we are viewed as hypochondriacs, even by those who used to believe in our lyme. What's worse is FEELING like a freaking hypochondriac!
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Posted 4/25/2010 9:07 PM (GMT -5)
I figured where the burning and tingling sensations came from. Today was my sons birthday and we had a party for him outside at the creek. Being such a beautiful day with a load of sunshine, when I got into the sunlight I felt like my skin was on fire. I wore jeans and a tank top with flip flops and all that was exposed felt like it was being fried. When we got home I went to wash my hands and WAM! There it was again. Then it all made sense because the last time we played down there and I got home the same thing happened. Its from the ABX and exposure to the sun. I knew that but didn't think a little would hurt. Wow, I was wrong. I went to take my detox bath and my feet felt like they were in boiling water. No more sun for me for a while! Ouch!
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Posted 4/26/2010 1:48 PM (GMT -5)
I read that taking ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) and Acetyl-L Carnitine would help with tingling/burning sensations. Does anyone have experience with this?
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Posted 4/29/2010 9:30 PM (GMT -5)
I went to the rheumatologist today and he did an exam, blood work and x-rays. I found out today why I have been having back pain for several years, my tailbone is broken! I remember when I broke it, I sucked up the pain and went back to work doing installs. Thats funny how a broken tail bone didn't bring me down and stop me from working but Lyme has.
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