Hi rosesinjanuary,
Antibiotics could cause a black hairy tongue, are you detoxing and have normal BM's?
Lymesolution, I look at the big picture and you can't change people. My Mom is 84 and still thinks that whatever a doctor tells her is the truth, she is simply not capable of "thinking outside the box" or questioning any doctor while I am sort of like the black sheep in my family, I question everything and everyone because that's the way I am.
You can't help people who don't want help. I am a recovering alcoholic and it was my decision to stop drinking and put myself in a rehab. I "wanted" to stop and I have been sober since 1985. But the "want" had to come from myself even though I heard it from so many others I didn't want to hear it when I was drinking.
And what may work for one person may not work for another. There is no cut and dry solution to treat lyme. And there are so many different ways to detox.. I know people who have gotten better just from exercising which is a fantastic way of detoxing.. So that's that...
Peacesoul, I'm so darn proud of you for everything you had accomplished! And Trav, good for you for quitting smoking!