Hi Gary, Thank you for getting back to me. I emailed the two leaders of the DEW support group and heard back from one of them, he said one of his friends swears by the doc. , and I asked if there was any way I could email his friend and ask him about
his experience with him.But he never got back to me. I can not take anti biodics and a have been searching for a really good naturopath who is lyme literate and can treat me with out anti biodic. My reason for wanting to go on the cowden protocal is that the new condensed version is alot less meds to take and has seemed to be very successful. Dr. H in New york used it on his patients with great success. The name of the naturopath that I made the appointment with is Dr. S, ND, Flower Mound, TX. I would just like some feed back on people who have been to him before I fly out. I was thinking about
going to the Hansa center...I think you went there. But, I can't leave for 2 weeks, it's terribly expensive, and I didn't see any proof that they eradicated the Lyme disease in patients that went there. Some people get better, some don't, and that's alot of time and money to spend if it doesn't work. Also, I really don't want to go with out my husband and he can't take off of work for 2 weeks. So...if you have any suggestions to help me it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and be well, Jan
Post Edited By Moderator (Traveler) : 6/27/2011 1:16:36 PM (GMT-6)