IH8Ticks said...
I have had insomnia since the beginning of my illness. I have just about given up on finding a solution since I've tried just about every medication out there with no luck. My insomnia improves with antibiotics, but I haven't had 8 hours of sleep in years. The lack of sleep is holding back my recovery, and the more sleep I lose, the worse my symptoms get.
I have a diagnoses of Lyme, babesia, and bartonella. I am on a pulsing schedule of various antibiotics.
I'm writing this all down to see if anyone else has the same problems and to see if anyone has found a solution.
My sleep problems actually change, almost on a cycle. Sometimes, I have difficulty falling asleep. I am far too wakeful at night. Other times, I fall asleep right away, but don't stay asleep. Sometimes, I wake up to frequently during the night. I never sleep all the way through the night, but sometimes I wake up a lot. I wake up at least once. Sometimes, I wake up too easily. The slightest noise wakes me up. Prior to my illness, I slept very deeply. Sometimes, I'm energized too easily. For example, I watch a little light TV in my basement before going to sleep. Then I walking upstairs to my bedroom and get ready for bed. The act of walking up the stairs and getting ready for bed makes me very alert and unable to sleep. Sometimes, I wake up too early, and can't get back to sleep. I'm still tired, but no matter what I do, I can't fall asleep again.
My sleep itself is also strange. As I fall asleep, I start to dream right away. The sights and sounds before I'm fully asleep can be unnerving and can wake me up. My dreams feel different as well, but it's hard to describe. I just don't sleep the way that I used to.
This hasn't happened lately, but it's worth mentioning. As I fell, asleep, I would have a sudden jerk, usually in one of my arms or legs. The sudden jerk would wake me up with a start and could be painful. this was more likely to happen if I tried to sleep during the day.
Speaking of napping during the day, this is an exercise in futility. I cannot sleep more than an hour, no matter how tired I am. As I fall asleep, I am awakened by what I can best describe as an electrical shock to my brain. It wakes me up with a start. It can hurt too. If it keeps happening before I fall fully asleep, it can give me a wicked headache.
I've tried sleep medications, antidepressants, anti-seizures medications, and just about anything you can name. None of it has worked. Usually, I'm just very drowsy the next day. Frequently, I get other side effects as well.
Does anyone have these same problems?
Without fail, my FAR infrared sauna has helped my insomnia. The insomnia often simply be caused by neurological disruption in the brain due to the build up of Bb related toxins. Any toxin that is fat soluble can be sweated out. Only proviso is that if you take the sauna too frequently it can actually begin to make the insomnia worse again as the radiation is killing Bb and of course they release yet more toxins as they croak.