Hi all!!!
WOW! Our own little kefir group!!! :)
I got my grains from the Yahoo group Real_Kefir_Making - they ask for no money for the grains themselves, although the person requesting them may be asked to pay postage. I have sent out several 'packages' of kefir grains & now understand why postage is asked for sometimes.($5 -$7 per package when shipping within the U.S.)
OR- a person could go straight to the source & go to this website:
users.sa.chariot.net.au/~dna/Makekefir.htmlI would encourage anyone even thinking of trying kefir or kefir making to read on this site - there are a whole lot of recipes, a chart on the actual beneficial bacteria found in homemade kefir (not the commercially produced kind, as those producers have to follow strict guidelines) & tons & tons of info on Kefir.
OR- anyone who feels comfortable enough sharing info with me, can email me & I could share a few grains. The strain I ended up with is quite productive - both in kefir making & grain production, and like the philosophy of the owner of that site - believe that basically everyone could use the help kefir gives & have no desire to "make money" by selling the grains.
Happy kefir drinking to all!!
((I am in no way connected to or receive monies from these places!!))