First, I agree w/ the responses above.
And then, hey, I'm a Lymie, so my first reaction might not be the most brilliant.... BUT, I'm thinking why not take him to the ID Dr they demand that he see. Let's just SEE what this Dr can diagnose or help him with. Never know, maybe he will run some worthwhile tests whose info is helpful in some way.
This does not mean I'm suggesting a contract w/ an ID Dr written in blood. But if they feel that you are negligent in some way, go on and take him and see what transpires. At this time it might be a little less stressful than fighting w/ court and SS and whoever.
Everyone, please remind me if I'm not thinking of something-- but I'm not sure what it would hurt to just comply and see what happens --- in the interest of relieving some stress and conflict. And of course you will be well within your rights to refuse any kind of proposed treatment that you feel will be harmful to your son.
I believe the ID Dr will be stumped. Then you can go on your way and get him the treatment that you know he needs. My opinion, that's all.
I say, 'Stump the ID doc'. If he refuses to acknowledge LYme, yet does not reach any diagnosis, well then the Doc will be made the fool.
OH, and you are probably doing this anyway, but I'd suggest building a nice neat file on your son regarding everything. All in order and ready for inspection. Cover. Your. Butt. This will prove that neglecting your son and/or quackery are NOT an issue in your son's case.