Is Lyme sexually transmittable??
Yes - 68.4% - 13 votes
No - 31.6% - 6 votes
Posted 7/18/2010 9:42 AM (GMT -5)
Just wondering what the concensus is about passing this wonderful disease on to your spouse. My wife hasn't been feeling good for awhile now, but we were atributing it to here thyroid problem. Thyroid is now in check, and shes still not feeling well. Test is done, just waiting for the results.
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Posted 7/18/2010 9:53 AM (GMT -5)
I would hate to rule anything out. There just hasn't been enough studies done on tick-born illnesses to be able to conclusively say much of anything on this subject, IMO.
Posted 7/18/2010 10:11 AM (GMT -5)
With the amount of time that this illness has been around, I would assume that it would be quite evident by now if this were true. I think that because our spouses are exposed to the same risk factors, they are more likely to contract lyme disease as the result of a tic bite. Good luck with the test results, I hope that your wife is not dealing with lyme too.
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Posted 7/18/2010 10:26 AM (GMT -5)
They say there is no evidence to support any claims that Lyme can transmitted sexually. Maybe there isn't. And even if your spouse contracted Lyme, there is no way to be certain that this is how she contracted it. As betterhealth said, she could just have easily contracted it from a tick as you did.
However, my big question is this: The Lyme spriochetes are so very similar to syphillis spirochetes. I understand that does not make them identical. Still, the ease with which syphillis is transmitted does leave one wondering, doesn't it?
Has anyone found any reason WHY Bb would or could not be transmitted this way?
They (CDC, IDSA) state Lyme cannot be transmitted to the unborn child and claim there is no evidence of this. However, I have found story after story that it, in fact, HAS, and that is was found in the autopsy of one baby who died.
I will be very interested in other responses here.
Posted 7/18/2010 10:46 AM (GMT -5)
They have found the Bb bacteria in every bodily fluid. They can't prove that it is passed sexually, however.
I have had lyme a very long time, my husband was gradually feeling worse and worse, with swollen joints and fatigue. He got several month's treatment. While he never had a herx reaction, he is feeling a lot better with just the usually aches and pains of a life lived fully.
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Posted 7/18/2010 7:27 PM (GMT -5)
I am especially interested in this. I went many years undiagnosed and started mostly with sudden severe anxiety. My husband refuses to consider even though suffering from sudden severe anxiety, sudden headaches, aching wrist, groin pain, insomnia, etc. He blames it all on stress and getting older, I just hope like hell three years from now I am not saying told you so cause trying to get IT after going undiagnosed for so long is not fun, as we all know.
Posted 7/18/2010 7:52 PM (GMT -5)
Yep, thats why we went ahead and had my wife tested. Better to spend the money and know for sure. I am very skeptical that its not possible given what we know about syphillis. I will update as soon as I know something.
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Posted 7/18/2010 8:52 PM (GMT -5)
if you google about it there is a website that has a video of the situation. It might me envita? I think they have it as the 3 ways it is transmitted.. tick bite, placenta, sex.
also 2 lyme doctors told me it is definitely sexuallly transmitted.
I think people in same houses have greater chance because they may be living in an INFESTED area like LONG ISLAND .
or if their cat has it . I read you get bartonella from flees.
who is kidding who here.???? this is a plague. Your spouse could have it and you haven't had sex since the seventies.
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Posted 7/19/2010 12:10 AM (GMT -5)
I'm on the fence on this one. If it does happen surely it doesn't happen frequently or it would be well documented by now (and I seriously doubt it could be transmitted if the person with Lyme was being treated with antibiotics). I would be careful comparing Lyme and Sphyillis. They are compared for one reason and one reason only....the shape. Bacteria only have 3 different shapes. We don't compare lactobacillus (which is present in yogurt and probiotics) to bacillus anthrasis (causes anthrax) (both rod shaped bacteria). There are many similiarity between Lyme and Sphyillis but clearly these organism behave quite different in other regards.
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Posted 7/19/2010 7:18 AM (GMT -5)
Sexuallly transmitted is not documented well but truthfully the whole reality of lyme is not documented well. Look how many other diseases are mis diagnosed and it is really lume.
Here is a really scairy question. Is it in the blood supply? can you catch lyme same way as Hep C and HIV?
Are they screening the blood banks for lyme and coinfections?
can you get lyme from shairing needles or a blood transfusion?
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Posted 7/19/2010 7:29 AM (GMT -5)
My Mom asked someone at a local blood bank about Lyme screening and was told they do not screen for Lyme/coinfections. I doubt they screen for Lyme/coinfections at blood banks in any areas where Lyme is not considered endemic (i.e., everywhere except the NE & Mid-West).
I don't know about blood transfusions or shared needles...haven't seen any documentation that speaks to these situations.
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Posted 7/19/2010 7:44 AM (GMT -5)
I have not seen Lyme mentioned, but when looking up babesia it says there is concern that it's in the blood supply. Babs shows up on smears and is a parasite. There's no reason to think it would not be transmitted thru transfusion. I used to give regularly, but not any more.Too much is unknown.
However, if I am ever coming up for surgery, I will give some blood for myself.
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Posted 7/19/2010 8:05 AM (GMT -5)
Lyme + so is it an antiparisite medicine that they use for babesia?
or is it antibiotic
what do they give flagyl for? any idea? I was given it for diaomebia fragialias parasite but never took it cause my lyme doc told me I would get too sick and have to go slow with all antibiotic treatment
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Posted 7/19/2010 11:05 AM (GMT -5)
I've been told by two Lyme doctors that they do see cases of sexual transmission in their clinics. I agree with +Lyme, Bb is too similar to syphilis to be certain that it cannot be sexually transmitted! The appropriate studies have simply not been done!
Posted 7/19/2010 12:31 PM (GMT -5)
Has anybody's LLMD advised them about taking the appropriate precautions? Mine did not, but you can be sure that I'll be asking about this at my next visit.
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Posted 7/19/2010 7:52 PM (GMT -5)
Bucci, I don't know yet what the Dr will prescribe for my babs. For some reason, he wanted me on abx for appx 6 weeks before starting treatment for babs. None of them sound very good...... YUK!