The problem I see is that people are not looking at the facts which is:
IgeneX does 3 things that enable them to get better tests.
1. They used Human specimens from early, middle and late stage lyme to make their probes.
2. They used specimens from 3 different locations to get a good sampling of all lyme strains.
3. They use a stronger solution to separate the bands so they get better results.
IgeneX has been under so much scrutiny by the FDA, state of California, and state of New York and they passed all the audits. They are a good lab trying to help people.
When Quest, Labcorp, etc. make their lyme probes they used Rabbit antigens from 2 strains of Lyme compared to IgeneX who uses samples from Human lyme patients from all over the United States and Europe and from patients who had early, middle and late stage lyme.
Also, when a western blot is done there is an acidic gel that is used to separate out the bands. Most labs use a 10% gel. IgeneX uses a 12.5% gel so they get better separation of the bands.
More information:
Thus this is not about opinions, this is about why IgeneX is more accurate in their testing. Why do people have a problem with this? This is what I don't understand.
When I was given the choice to have my blood sent to IgeneX by my doctor back in 2000, I said yes. I'm happy I did because I didn't want Rabbit antigens being used.
Thus, I feel there is a difference between opinions and facts. I would rather have the facts, but that's me.