bucci said...
wll I can see I may have not fully explained myself about the psting thing.
Yes MOTOX it is here for all the discussion and SUPPORT.
I know we are all interested in improtant information..especially labs.
I think what happened here as does with many email communications between people is
some of the posts were taken to be a bit HOSTILE and ARGUMENTITIVE,
This is your thread I believe that all this hoo haa is about?? yes??
somehow it got out of hand but not according to you . It sounds to me as though you are telling the moderator when she should or should not be moderating.
The only thing i see going on here really is you are still defending your position. and it isn't even about lyme lab testing ..It is about how people should read posts and when the moderator should stay out of the discussion.
I would love to hear what treatments are working for you and don't give a hoot what your labs said because that topic is like a tar pit and always has been.
Perhaps this is your area of expertise?? lyme labs??? are you an MD. a biologist? I forgot?
and telling us what the moderators job is..... I don't know , Motox.
The issue is never really the issue. and remember , my friend, nobody's pains are too slight.
One day you may be really sick and freaking out with off the wall symptoms . This disease has a way of coiling it's way around you . Especially when you try all these different type treatments to eradicate it.
Either way................so what is the conclusion everyone has come to through your discoveries.
i love a new guy coming on board with new information.
not really interested in hearing your expertise on what a moderators job is.
so what about the labs??? maybe try starting your INFORMATIVE thread over again so we all can hear some concrete info. all the bantering got a little out of hand.
who'se posts got deleted? was it even your's or someone you pissed off?
lets hear the facts....have you done any more research?
are you getting treatment of any kind?
Bucci, I am not even going to comment.