Hello everyone,
I am new here, this is my first post. I have been reading some of your posts I will post my lyme tests here at the end, but first I would like to talk about
a few other things. I was diagnosed with lyme last summer. How long did I have it? I have no idea! I have been heathy and strong most of my life untill...
I lost my grandfather and I got very ill. That was over 10 years ago. I was in my 20's. Could it have been a coincidence that I got so sick at the same time my grandfather died? NOW I believe it was a coincidence, but at the time, I thought losing him made me sick.
Here were my symptoms back then: Troubles breathing, sore throat, swellen throat--almost completely shut, I could not even get a few drops of water down my throat. Sweelen feet--I could not walk, the bottom of my feet had some liquid in them. I got really depressed, I thought I was dying. Made my funeral arrangements (not kidding!). I was scaring my fiance and my mom, because I was very serious about
it. Then I could not talk, i lost my vision for a few days, while in Graduate School for Statistics--could not see the numbers, had to postpone my finals (I was an A student). Severe caughing, I remember I went into my Adviser's office and I started caughing, I had to go to the bathroom and get some water; he was just looking at me, because I could not stop to tell him I'll be back, so I just left and then went back. Aches all over, unbeareable neck pain--maybe my nodes? It felt like it! I was walking on the side of my feet to get around.
It was the scariest episode of my life, I really did not think I will come out of it. I was on antibiotics for 2 weeks, and I got a bit better, I had a good dr. and he gave me another week. I survived and recovered 100%--or did I? I do believe NOW that I got sick from lyme around that time, not last year!
Since then, I had a few bronchitis, sinus problems, heavy breathing, heart palpitations and every time it seems they were worse and last longer. Anyway, I was not too worried because they were not as bad as the first time. Then, a few years ago, I had severe chest pains when breathing and went to ER. I knew I had a scar on my lungs and I ask the ER dr about
it, and he said it resolved--He did not see it on the chest Xr (only to find out several yrs later that it is still there, through another chest X-ray)! He told me is just a mucle that is hurting, and send me home and told me to take motrin. A few days later the pain went away.
A few months ago, I started to have symptoms similar to those the first time I was diagnosed with Lyme: Pain in my fingers, headaches, pain in my legs, could not walk right, neck pains, twitchin in my eye and tumb, poor vision, foggy memory and head, and maybe others that I can't remember. I asked my new dr to test me for lyme and the first test came +. Then he sent me for a second test that came --. His conclusion was the first test was + because I had it in the past. I got so upset, I kept asking myself: How about
my symthoms? But I just decided to go to another dr, I will see her on the 10th and I pray that she will give me a referal to a LLMD. I have 3 children, one of which is 9 mo old and I am breasfeeding her. I asked her dr if she could have it, since I was diagnosed around the time I got pregnant with her, but her dr said if she doesn't have any red rashes AND if I am cure, then she didn't get it! I am still scared about
that, I hope I am not poisining her, through BF. So, I called my OBgyn and asked if it is possible to get her Lyme through BF and she said it was not. THere is evidence out there that it can get into the milk, though, so I don't know what to think.
Thanks for reading my long email ( I hope some of you will read it). I will not post so much at once, but I thought we can all learn from each other and I did learn a lot from some of you by reading your posts here. I will let you know how everything goes. Oh, on top of all the above: I have hyperthyroidism and I am taking Levothyroxine, which has been adjusted several times, because it goes up and down (someone posted on a website that both her son and herself have thyroid problems and the lady thought it was caused by her Lyme) I just remember something else: I am cold, sometimes I shiver and shake, my hands are trembling, and for a few days a few months ago before the last round of tests were done on Lyme, my thumb was moving by itself back and forward, and was not able to control it to stop. Sometimes my hands and feet become curled in and I get cramps in my feet. I can only make them uncurl by using one of hand and manually uncurl my fingers and toes and keep them straight for a few seconds. Very painful, too. I hope this may help you, if you are new to lyme, to see what another soul is going through...
And here are my test results:
TSH 3rt generation: 18.11 (this should by between .4-4.5! That's my thyroid, while I was on medication!
Now my Lyme test:
everything was -- or non-reactive, EXCEPT:
Lyme Disease AB (IGM) WB: POSITIVE
That's the last test I had, what do you guys think? Thanks and I hope you'll have some time to read and reply to this!