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Am I suppossed to feel the same/worse/better after 1 week of abx?
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Veteran Member
Joined : Aug 2010
Posts : 552
Posted 8/18/2010 11:40 AM (GMT -5)
I have been on abx for one week. Not
much worse or better. Pretty much the same as prior to starting abx or a
worse. Is this normal?
Regular Member
Joined : Aug 2010
Posts : 30
Posted 8/18/2010 12:56 PM (GMT -5)
I am just two weeks and 2 days in for my antibiotic treatment. The first week my neck starting being really stiff and hurting and the muscle twitching all over went into overdrive happening alot more frequent(almost non stop). The start of the second week my knee has been very painfu and weakl, sleep disturbances started back and just feeling tired. I'm not sure when things are suppose to start getting really bad. I read anywhere from a couple days to a couple of weeks.
Veteran Member
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Posted 8/18/2010 1:51 PM (GMT -5)
We're all different. For me, nothing changed for several weeks after starting abx. But I don't seem to be a person who has a herx very easily. By week 3 on doxy, my fibro pain was g o n e!!! When two weeks later I was switched to azithromycin, mepron, and artimisia for babesia I was afraid the fibro pain would return, but it has not. I've had twinges here and there, but the crashingly agonizing all-over pain is still gone. So I would say so far your experience sounds normal.
I am not sure a person has to herx to be receiving benefits from their meds. Throughout this thing I have taken holistic cleansing tinctures, drunk detox teas, and somewhat sporadically taken the detox baths. I also drink lots of lemon water daily to keep things flushed out. I don't know if that is why I haven't had a bad herx or not, but figure it can't hurt.
Take care.
Caldonia Sun
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Posted 8/18/2010 6:38 PM (GMT -5)
I started herxing badly within three days of abx. I stayed sick for several months and then started to improve. It was a hellish ride.
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Posted 8/18/2010 7:16 PM (GMT -5)
Oh, dear, Caldonia Sun....I sure hope I don't stay sick for several months...I'll never make it. I got sick app. Day #4 on Cipro and Amoxicillin. That was nearly 4 weeks ago and right now I'm on a 7-day hiatus. I am still sick...thought I wouldn't be. But if I have to stay sick for awhile, at least you've given me the courage to stick with it.
JunkYardWilly....I had a mental image of the 'fockers' fenced in a corral not able to get out!!!
Simela...May the rest of your treatment go as easy!! But maybe I should add that I hope your health improves while you're at it!
Veteran Member
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Posted 8/18/2010 9:39 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks for your replies. I haven't had a complete 100% great day in a very long time (2 years or so), so I guess I forgot how it feels... The way I look at it is... If I don't get worse, I will be able to cope with it. Some days are worse than others... My hands have been hurting more than they did before and that is probably the scariest thing for me right now. I have a 9 mo old baby and all this is a bit too much. I just pray that I won't get worse and I will be able to deal with picking her up and caring for her. My 2 older children (5 and 6) are able to do a lot of things for themselves.
On top of all this, I was in a car accident last year and still recovering from that. Just when I thought that last year was the worse of my life, Lyme came back +. Maybe next year will be better. Baby seems to thrive, but still worried she may have got it. I was on abx for 3 weeks w. her while pregnant, which obviously did not work, since I am still + for Lyme.
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Posted 8/19/2010 8:51 AM (GMT -5)
Simela, you have such a positive outlook that no matter what, you know you are going to be ok. I have had mine for 2 years too, and I have missed out on so much and my kids have too. I have a 4 year old and a 7 year old. I was so dizzy this morning, I thought I wasn't going to be able to get my 7 year old to school. Luckily it subsided enough to get her there but bless her heart she was trying to comfort me, etc. This is not how I imagined life being, where my kids would worry about
me. Its sad but I have to believe that we will get better.
Have you had your 9mth old tested? Its tough to think that our kids might have this (mine was tick bitten when I was). Maybe next year will be better for both of us! We started doing antibiotics around the same time. Maybe we can help each other through this rough time!
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