I'm sure this has been addressed before, but I'm having problems especially at night with leg and foot cramps. Most come on suddenly, or the leg cramps will hit when I try to stretch them while lying down. I have increased my magnesium (enough??? I don't know) but this time it hasn't helped. I'm detoxing a good bit plus running to the bathroom more than usual because I'm drinking a lot of lemon water. I had thought about
potassium or trace minerals but didn't want to run out and buy something that I don't need. Have only been in the sauna a couple of times for major sweats but I thought I had that covered with the Green Vibrance and fresh veggies from the garden. Any suggestions?
There have been some great posts on here recently.
Simela, there's something I'm trying to pull together about the new test the NIH is working on. Even with a new test that might be more sensitive, if the CDC still has diagnosis guidelines that are lower (or is it higher???) than Igenex (sp?), does it really matter if the test is more sensitive? Wouldn't they still call it negative even if more tests came back a low positive??? I hope this makes sense. Brain isn't doing well the last couple of days....