Thrilled to hear of your decision to go to the Hansa Center! I too was on abx and had no success. I was on them for five years and came very close to dying last December. I'm sure you read about
that on the Hansa Center Update thread. Not everyone can handle abx for some reason or the other. Unfortunately, I was one of those who couldn't. I would have never dreamed of doing alternative medicine, but when death is knocking on your door, you begin to think of alternatives, especially if you want to live to see your grandkids grow up like I did (do).
Your last day at the Hansa Center is on my birthday. Your birthday gift for me is to get well!
Rhonda and I will definitely be praying for you. God can do it!
If you have any questions feel free to email me or Rhonda and we'll be glad to answer and questions you might have.
Good night and God bless!