I hope this long discourse will interest someone. Member thoughts would be greatly appreciated !
One month ago I got a very stiff neck, stiff trapezius muscle and radiating pain into my shoulder and down spine along scapula. The pain was similar to having a ruptured disk. I know this pain well because I ruptured a disk in my neck 8 years ago. This was repaired with fusion and I never had any problems afterward. Obviously I thought I had another rupture. But an MRI showed a little arthritis/compression but NOTHING to explain this new and severe pain.
A year before this I got chronic 'tennis elbow' and both shoulders have been exhibiting pain similar to rotator cuff issues. Left ankle presented with cracking and pain and x-rays showed NOTHING.
Most recently my head had the weight of a bowling ball and the effort it took to do any activity that involved shoulder, trapezius, upper arm and neck muscles was extremely exhausting. It was at this point I began to suspect Fibro or Polymyalgia or osteoarthritis among other things.
Then I began to suspect Lyme Disease and went back in my mind to everything ELSE that had been occurring over the past year. The list began to lengthen: Severe sensitivity to sound for a while, ringing in my ears, stuffed up head, skin sensitivity and the feeling of being uncomfortable all the time. Even pillow pressure would bother me. I couldn't sit still or lie still. Always shifting position.... and I was tired a lot.
Then I added the severe shooting pains in my teeth that were happening regularly. Now this was just too weird. Put all of these symptoms together and MAYBE they scream of Lyme Disease.
Though I kept blowing all of these symptoms off to just getting older or some other explanation, I did seriously wonder how a healthy, vibrant, fit person such as myself could fall apart like this in one year and have so many things wrong?
Anyway, I always have fresh Doxy on hand for my dogs should they ever contract Lyme. Which they have. So......I started taking it and made an appointment with my LL doctor who strongly does suspect Lyme though some and/or all of my symptoms can be seen as atypical and could suggest some other kind of disease or health issue. I am now awaiting blood test results and will continue abx treatment no matter what the outcome.
In the meantime and after being on Doxy for one week my stiff neck is remarkably better. But the pain is wildly migrating all over my back and shoulder blades! My ankle is completely better, then it's not. I had a pretty significant bout of muscle twitches, hand tremors, shooting nerve pains and pin-prick sensations all over my body. Even in my eyeball! That has mostly subsided now and the pain in my teeth is almost nil and my head feels pretty normal-- no more heavy bowling ball sensation or sensitivity to pillows and my tiredness has greatly improved. However, tennis elbow is way worse--- killing me! Knees ached for a bit but that went away. Coincidence in all of this? Maybe, maybe not. Is the neuropathy, etc. a positive Herx reaction? Maybe, maybe not.
Bottom line? My doctor and I really don't know if ANY of my symptoms/pain are Lyme related or if the Doxy is thankfully doing the good things it is supposed to, should I indeed have Lyme. Too soon to tell? Opinions apppreciated!
Also, I have been all over the boards and Lyme sites about this disease and have only seen the words joint pain and stiff neck listed among symptoms. But what kind of joint pain is associated with Lyme? What kind of stiff neck is related to Lyme? Is it simply generic pain or is it more specific? Does anyone know?
Lastly, I did get a bullseye rash when I had Lyme 12 years ago. Was treated iimmediately and never looked back.... until now. But this time no rash was apparent.....just quite a few ticks!
Cheers to all and get well !!!