After thinking about my 'indeterminate' blood test results and my somewhat atypical TBD symptoms, my LLMD casually mentioned I look into the healing methods of a certain doctor.
This doctor believes that chronic back/neck pain, sciatica, bursitis, tendonitis, fibro etc. (that are not the result of serious physical injury and/or have been ruled out as serious injury or medical condition by MRI, X-ray, blood tests or other).....are really physical manifestations of pain caused by the mind....
.....wherein repressed mental issues, stress, etc actually tell the brain to stop sending oxygen to various parts of the body (muscles, etc.) which then results in REAL, unimaginary pain. Of course this all leads down the dark road to either the assumption or belief that being in pain--in certain cases-- is a way to avoid life.
I am by no means taking a side here-- TBD's are REAL of course. I'm Just doing 'reporting' in an attempt to gather opinions as some members-- especially those with borderline blood test results and serious PAIN--- might have been steered in the direction of this doctor's findings.
What to think about this 'mind over pain' self healing and treatment? No idea.
Are my pain issues really caused by a TBD? Don't know...yet. All I can say is that MAYBE I was/am under subconcious 'stress' and repressed negative emotions, and thus mentally created all of my chronic pain.
On the other hand....I don't see myself as fitting into that box!
I was a normal, fit, happy, athletic person who's body went downhill with numerous enough symptoms to highly suspect a TBD. And why not? The daughter of a friend of my father was undiagnosed with a TBD for 20 years and is now incapacitated in a wheelchair....and thus the creation of this wonderful forum....thus the creation of TBD awareness. I certainly don't need to preach to the choir here! So, back to business....
After a little over two weelks on Doxy my back/neck and shoulder pain has nearly disappeared. As of yesterday my roiling hot flashes and sound sensitivity has diminished. My Herx reactions to the Doxy were very significant! Teeth pain is gone--so far. Yes....I am feeling WAY BETTER !! However, elbow pain (tendonitis) is still with me as are other issues. But I digress....
Is all this 'healing' just a coincidence? Was I reall mentally/subconsciously just looking for the smoking gun of a TBD as an excuse to ease my (troubled?) mind in order to get myself 'on the mend' psychosomatically? Did I just get better too fast for it to really be a TBD or the abx?
I do believe the mind can be a powerful healer....I do believe this doctor has had great success in treating psychosomatically created pain. But, but but...
......where does that leave me and others like me who get back an indeterminate blood test that says nothing more than I am a little bit pregnant?
My LLMD said that if the Doxy is working for me, then I should stay on it for as long as I want to....get re-tested at some point...and so on. I will do that...
.... and he's on the fence about the validity of IgenX....leaving it up to me to decide if I want to test with them.
By no means is he taking my blood results nor my health lightly. But.....the fact that he suggested I look into the methods of the particular doctor I mentioned above, points to the fact that he thinks my symptoms might be 'all in my head'.
Conversely, he is open to alternative medicine.... and probably is just trying to be helpful.
Am I NOW thoroughly confused, stressed out and on the verge of mental derangement? Yes! Tomorrow all of my symptoms will come back! That was a joke of course....but it really isn't funny. Grrrrrr!
P.S. : This 'mind over matter' doctor says that 'writers' especially fall victim to stress induced pain more than those in other professions. I am a writer. Go figure.
Best to all.... and to all a good, great, fantastic, wonderful day! And that's NOT a joke! :)