Posted 11/19/2010 1:30 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks bucci for the reply.
No, we dont have pets and she does not go near any pets either.
She grew up in India and is here (silicon valley CA)for last 10 years.
She is not diagnosed with depression but she was very -ve, irritable and sleepless early to middle of this year. She turned the corner a bit with family support and sleeps about 3 hours now. Cant fall and stay asleep for long.
No, very minimal travel. Traveled to Dallas last year and on a cruise to Mexico the year before. Also to India about every year.
She started on minimal dose of cats claw, 1 drop 3 times a day 4 days ago and increased to 2 drops 3 times a day yesterday. The plan is to increase cats claw to 10 drops over next few weeks. The eye pain has become a lot more in the last few days but other than that not much change that we can attribute to cats claw.
No, she did not try teasel root or Japanese knotweed, appreciate any info on them so I can do more research.
Right now she cant be in sunlight for more than 5 minutes and cant focus and read. Been to 3 ophthalmologists and they just found the eyes to be severely dry. They see both eyes to be dry but right eye hurts a lot more. We did everything they do for dry eyes: artificial drops, omega 3 fatty acids, warm compress and massage, azasite anti-biotic/anti-inflammatory, restasis, steriod drops and also the punctal plugs. Very minimal help. The right eye pain started when some pasta sause fell on her eye lid (outside), that healed but the pain is persistent since then.
We have been to alternate medicine doctors and looked at adrenal function, heavy metals test, gluten sensitivity, GI tests etc. Her hormones are low (both estrogen and progesterone) and her pains some times get lot better or worse during her periods. That is making us look at hormone imbalance as one of the possible routes or I think there may be a psychological element to it.
Thanks again for listening and chiming in.