Posted 1/5/2011 8:33 AM (GMT -5)
Thank you Traveler. I think the hubby is feeling "creepy crawly" at the thought of all of this and trying to process it. I sure know that I am. Honestly, I haven't slept well or long for a week now...I am preoccupied with learning all I can, helping him get the treatment he needs and making life around the house more simple less cluttered so his environment isn't such a distraction. (My thought there CAN find your wallet, keys, etc. in a cleaner environment--it just takes a little stress off). Then, of course, we both work full time, so the evening and this last weekend is when we were planning the attack and processing everything. As you all know, there is just SO MUCH to learn.
He had this really weird (even a doctor called it that) "thing" in/on his left eyebrow. Looked like a hard puss filled pimple and the whole eye area was swollen, eye was looking like a slit. He got this in the same spot, same eye, same brow TWICE in about 6 months. The first time, he was treating himself with lemon slices. I don't know why he did that...he said the acid would take care of it. Of course, it just ran its course. With the 2nd, I asked him to see a doctor, and the dr said don't touch it, don't hot compress it, don't put creams on it...just take the antibiotics. Of course, this was a walk-in facility, and not his reg. doc cuz it was a Saturday, so it was a one-time see him thing. I wonder now was it possibly parasite(s) trying to exit, instead of some uncategorized bump/pimple/cyst-like thing. I also think he was remembering THAT and generally feeling grossed out. I did say to him, yes, and I can scratch my head and see some stuff (i.e. dandruff) fall to the ground so as to humor him. We ARE trying to uplift.
The fact that he has been seeing his regular physician for other things, a cardiac doc for about 3 years, and the dentist so much recently, shows ME at least that this is late stage illnesses with the Lyme association. Also, he doesn't even go on the computer, so his information is pretty much straight from me, and now that he is actively in this, he is talking to people at work this week, 1 fella who had it in his teens and doesn't really add a lot to the conversation.
So the last concept that remains for me to research (ask you lovely people too) you think it was possible that, while he was sunbathing in the summer exposed to all that heat daily, was he killing off the bacteria? Also, anytime on antibiotics, were the bacteria dying? Could that explain why he has late stage symptoms now ... because some things, lifestyle, etc., were keeping them at bay and allowing SOME of the symptoms to go under the radar? Seriously, what made me go looking for an answer was in addition to his lethargy aches and pains--his recent behaviors (a little wacky), anger and frustration, forgetfulness, expressed inability to pay attention, depression, anxiety and the statement "my head is vibrating". He also said he was at he store, pretty much wandering aimlessly, unable to concentrate and that he feared he was losing his mind....however, that "my head is vibrating" statement seriously caught my attention and started this search for this diagnosis. I am sad he has the diagnosis, but at the same time reading over and over how the tests can come negative when positive, I guess we are lucky it showed in the test...right???? Can anyone speak on this "remission" theory that I've got up, or is that just my mind trying to rationalize why he is now in late stage symptoms (CNS)? Thanks again.