how can such a tiny tiny insect carry enough bacteria to transmit sometimes 3 infections enough to make a much larger human so very very sick.
Even in the realm of the microscopic, most tick-borne disease-associated bacteria are very small. A b. burgdorferi bacterium is quite long (7um) but extremely narrow (0.2um). If you could pack them tight like sardines, you could fit at least 3,000 of these bacteria into the volume of a white blood cell. Thousands of bacteria can easily be packed into a sesame seed-sized nymphal tick's gut, or even its salivary glands. Additionally, it doesn't necessarily take a lot of bacteria to make a person sick, especially if they can reproduce rapidly in a human body.
Can lyme be sexually transmitted?
This question is not in my area of expertise. These sorts of studies are really difficult to do in humans because of the amount of time it takes, as well as bureaucratic and ethical difficulties involved in studying humans. Studies done on hamsters showed no venereal transmission, but that was in hamsters not people. I think this question needs to be looked into.
I'd like to know your personal thoughts and views on the exsistance chronic LD.
Definitely not my area of expertise in terms of research. Personally, I do believe in the existence of chronic Lyme disease and post-Lyme syndrome. It seems likely that chronic Lyme is caused by live bacteria rather than an auto-immune response. Certainly, sufferers are often very sick and previous Lyme exposure is a common epidemiological thread.