kind of makes sense ...if you are DEtoxing ..not to be toxing.
so all things that put extra stress on liver and intestines would be good to try to leave out.
But dry skin brushing before baths is always good.
if you are "doing" a detox than you do have to leave all that stuff out.
do people really still drink diet soda? you might want to google around on the effects of DIET soda.
I think it has some weard stuff in it.
I never even once ever tasted it. do you use that fake sugar also? I forget the name of it.
I did my first real detox with the wheatgrass regime which is so great for your liver. I went away for 12 days and they made all the special juices and salads and there was no temptation around.
It was difficult but the best thing I ever did for myself. There were colonics and massage and saunas
and all kinds of classes. It was in upstate NY by Cornell.
It changed my life. and I got a complete education on all this detoxing and so much other stuff. We had meditation also. It was awesome. This was back in 1996 . I' thinking of going there this summer.
It is so hard to be in mainstream and really do a for real detox. Plus you get weak and you really have to now how to prepare all the right food even if it is just juice all this is a lot of work and when you are doing it alone it is very hard to stay with it.
This place everyone was there to cleanse and detox and rejuvenate. I got to meet people from all over who also left their lives behind to give themselves this great gift of healing. It is tuff but you stick it out together.
Post Edited (bucci) : 2/28/2011 7:08:18 PM (GMT-7)