I'm glad I've read a lot about
I called the office for the retesting after the completion of doxy l l/2 months ago. She says I'm neg and said, "Is that Ok"? I commented, no! I was sick this wkend. I want you to have the Dr. call me.
My question to the Dr. will be about what she plans to do with me if I continue to exhibit sickness.
I am positive this is the aftermath of the storm. It's been in my system some time as most of us,right?
Well, anywho, part of me wanted the results to be positive yet I certainly did not want to picc line like she suggested if it were positive.
Think positive! My motto for today. I'm gonna try not to dwell on this!
I asked my hubby to read ch.36 of "Cure Unknown" so he understand the the spirochettes hide in the body etc....
Then I mentioned my neg results. He wondered why I didn't tell him earlier. I said, "I wanted you to understand that tests are not always accurate, but in his eyes I think he's so delighted!
Ok, look, I don't want this just like everyone else. But I'm still getting sick, so NO, I am not excited about the results. I believe it may be possible it was in the inactive state when testing was done one wk. ago.
Does this all make sense to you all? Yes, I'm new, but I've read enough to understand that Lab Corp and Quest (whom I used twice) are not the most reliable testing facilities.
Well, I choose to have a good day today. I hope you all have a sunny day!
As always, comments are appreciated. I learn so much everyday about this horrible illness!