Posted 3/16/2011 2:35 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Gindry:
I hope you have found an LLMD by now. I wanted you to know that I think I've had Lyme for MANY years. I have over 20 lesions on my brain and it wasn't until after I had my gallbladder removed (which was probably damaged by the lyme bacteria) that my symptoms began in earnst.
Approximately two weeks after my surgery, I started have MANY nervous system issues. There are many but here are a few:
Vibration/tingling in legs/feet
Trembling in hands
Vibration feeling in core of body
numbness in left foor/lower leg
numbness in left toe
numbness in groin area that wrapped around my leg
numbness in my face under my left eye on cheek
Many many more...too many to list. Anyway, I've been seen at UCSF and had soooo many tests. All except for first MRI were negative for MS and all the other mimics. The first thing my doctor asked me when he saw my MRI with the lesions was "have you had lyme disease". He was a younger doctor and I have a feeling the younger ones may be finally "getting it". My lesions were not typical of MS...wrong shape, wrong location, etc. I also had a lumbar puncture while at UCSF and they retested for lyme but it was negative (I now know that 20% of people with lyme will NOT show in their spinal fluid)
Anyway, long story short, turns out I do have lyme with a co-infection of ehrilsos (sp?). I need to learn to spell that... I found an LLMD in San Francisco who is very well known and luckily, got right in to see him because he had a cancellation. LLMD's are very booked, so make your appt asap if you haven't already. I started on antibiotics that night (I had already ordered and completed my bloodwork from Igenex prior to my appt) and now, about seven weeks later, I am feeling MUCH MUCH better. I still have some bad days with fatigue, but I think those are days that my body is herxing, so I look at those days as a positive sign.
Regarding the nerve damage, I was freaking out that my numb areas were permanent and my LLMD said, no, the nerves are just imflamed from the bacteria, and sure enough, after about a week or two, all my numbness dissappeared!
Anyway, I know I still have a long road to go but I AM GETTING BETTER!!!!!! AND SO WILL YOU!!!!