What kind of antibiotic were you on? Doxy, for instance, is known to help joint pain. I would still see an LLMD if I were you to be sure. Here is the information you asked for. If you go to an LLMD, they will send your bloodwork to the lab that they think is best. Most deal with Igenex.
Igenex Information:
You can order the Western Blot and Co-infections tests through Igenex. If you go to their site, there's information there that list what tests to order.
Here is their contact information:
IGeneX, Inc.
795 San Antonio Rd
Palo Alto, CA 94303
650.424.1196 Fax
Here is information to help you find a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor:
Welcome to the forum! We're so glad that you found us:)
For information on finding a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor(LLMD) in your area, please email our long time member, Dan's Mother at:
phassan@optonline.netIf you'd like more doctor suggestions, you can email stephanie at:
stephanie@turnthecorner.org You can also go to:
www.turnthecorner.org/bod.htm if you want to learn a little bit more about
Lyme Disease.
You can also go to The Lyme Disease Association and search for LLMD's 3 times in a month. You have to register first. Here is the link:
www.lymediseaseassociation.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=277&Itemid=74You will want to find an ILADS(International Lyme And Associated Diseases Society) doctor. The ILADS site is a great place to read to get you started on your Lyme journey.
www.ilads.org/lyme_disease/treatment_guidelines_clearing_ilads.html For great info and links, read the topic at the top of the forum titled,
"New To Lyme?......Start Here!" It will help to get you started learning about
Lyme Disease.