I was just wondering if eye floaters are really a symptom of LD? I have a lot of other things going on that suggests I may have LD, some may be familiar with my other posts. about
a year ago I started to develop these transparent type floaters in my eyes. Here we are a year later and they have multiplied to the point where I see 15 or 20 strands drift by every time I move my eyes from side to side. I not only see them outside in the bright sky or on white backgrounds but I see them everywhere and in all lighting conditions except when its dark. My floaters are made up of cells clumped together to form various shapes but most are very lengthly chains of cells that look like a worm. When I squint my eyes I can without exaggeration see hundreds of cells, clumps of cells, chains of cells, strands and basically just goop falling down from my vision.
I have been to the opthamologist several times and they say my vitreous is clear and they don't see any floaters. This suggests that my floaters are not in the vitreous, but perhaps in a different part of the eye that they can't see. If floaters are a symptom of LD, I would be curious to know if anyone else has had a similar experience with the eye specialists not being able to see their floaters.
I have posted a picture online in a floater forum to see if people could relate to my floaters. If you could check it out and let me know if you see similar floaters that would be great.
floatertalk.yuku.com/topic/3802/Anyone-Else-Have-These-Floaters-See-PicFloaters are bad enough to deal with but when they keep multiplying at a huge rate like this it's scary... when will it end?
I also have slight after images, light sensitivity, blury vision at times, and eye pain.
Can anyone relate to this?