So I went to my doctor to tell him that I was ordering a testing kit from Igenex and would he draw blood so I could send it in for testing. He refused, stating that my sypmtoms are not consistent with Lyme disease, and once again telling me that there is no Lyme in Montana. I gave him the symptoms list for Lyme, circling the ones that I have, and copies of all my medical records confirming treatment for symptoms over the past 20+ years that are consistent with Lyme and co-infections. He claims that all the symptoms can be attributed to other things and that I need to quit getting bad information from the internet. I told him that I was just searching for answers that he was apparently to incompetent, or to close minded, to find. Apparently doctors take offense to be called incompetent as the conversation became much less cordial after that. (at one point I sincerely thought that I was going to knock him on his ***). So, to make a long story short, I'm in the market for a new doctor.
p.s. this is really getting old