Posted 5/13/2011 9:21 PM (GMT -5)
Hi All,
There have been posts that have been made here on the Lyme forum that have attacked others choices of treatments. We are here to support each other - we are attacked all day long (for some) about our treatment choices and this needs to be a haven, not another place of contention.
Stress is a big factor in any health issue, as a matter of fact, people actually die from too much stress. Since we are all either looking for, going through or have been through treatments for the same type of infections - we need to learn to play nice here.
I have received a complaint and I have seen this in other posts as of late. Members challenging other members about their choice for treatment - specifically using anything other than abx. This is not, nor ever was a place solely for those who use abx to treat their infections. Should another member choose to use a form of treatment that you don't agree with, just don't post, if you can't support their effort. We need to learn to play nice.
Rule #4:
No posts that attack, insult, "flame", defame, or abuse members or non-members. Respect other members of the community and don’t belittle, make fun off, or insult another member or non-member. Decisions about health and well-being are highly personal, individual choices. "Flaming" and insults, however, will not be tolerated. Agree to disagree. This applies to both the forums and chat.
Rule #11:
11. No posts of an overtly political or religious nature OR posts promoting advocacy of particular personal, medical, legal, religious, political, or non-profit causes. The forums are intended for offering mutual personal support. Debating controversial subjects should be taken elsewhere. Limited religious references are allowed (ie. "my prayers are with you" or a brief quote as part of a larger post), but the forums should not be used to convert others.
Please, all I am asking is that we all follow rules we all agreed to follow.