Posted 5/16/2011 4:15 PM (GMT -5)
I am asking about this for a friend of mine. i haven't been "lucky" enough to ever get a bulls eye.
My friend's DD has been getting a weird rash on her arm, her leg and now her stomach. She took pics of it, and it looks almost like a "reverse scald." Imagine splashing really hot water on your arm- you know that red patten you get? Its like that but its white.
The thing that makes me think Lyme is that is comes and goes, migrating over her limbs.
She went to her pediatrician, who has no idea. They did a ton of blood work and sent her to a dermatologist. The derm took more blood work, and is sending her to an allergist. Of course, all of the blood work is fine. The looked for Lupus, Rheum. Arthritis, Lyme, Parvovirus, and a bunch of others.
I have been looking all over to see if I could find any picture of it online- and I never heard of a Lyme rash being white blotches. but- usually when nothing else fits- its Lyme, eh?
We live in a hugely Lyme endemic area- the girl has a huge yard, lines with trees and a creek, a dog, goes dirt bike riding.... its very possible she has been bitten and doesn't know it. OTOH- I hate to "see" Lyme in everything. Even if I am right more often that not. Sheesh.
Thanks for any input.