Lymester said...
I've heard that standing in a field of tall grass and going "Here ticky, ticky, ticky, ticky, ticky" tends to attract ticks pretty well.
hahaha! That works perfectly for my hubby the 'tick magnet."
(Gotta love bad lymie humor)
I was digging around on the googles.... ticks and mosquitoes are also very attracted to ammonia. I also found out that many lymies have hyper-ammonia levels. Since Gary has had Lyme and co-inf''s for so long, and a lot of it manifests in neuro-symptoms, I am going to guess he is in that category.
Do you know if you can get blood work done on ammonia levels?
I am always telling him that he needs to detox, but it falls on deaf ears a lot of the time. Maybe if he had blood work to support this, he would be better at it.