Traveler said...
I know that I have that exact sensation every time I get jolted or surprised. I've wondered about it for years, even though I knew it was cause by my Neuro Lyme. Anyone else ever have something like that happen to them? Just by being jolted (like taking a small jump off of a cub or something) or by being startled?
I have often wondered about that sensation too! It made me feel like a live wire! Any sudden sound, or if I missed a step....and ZING!
Soon after I began serious ABX treatment, this calmed down. I can get really startled now and feel nothing other than normal heart pounding for a few seconds----
---- but on occasion, with a really sudden physical fright or sound, I'll get that whole body tingling feeling. I hope this is just a normal 'fear' response that has been coined as: your hair standing on end.
With Lyme, I never know what 'normal' is anymore! LOL