Posted 9/6/2011 10:25 PM (GMT -5)
Hello everyone. I am a fellow lyme sufferer...but am currently in the recovery process. I know I am recovering because my long list of symptoms...all of them are at least 75 to 80 percent better. I still get flares/herxes but they are now completely manageable...Not disabling and extraordinarily painful and scary like once was.
If u want to here a detailed summary of my experience start to finish I will be happy to do. For now I will try to kep it short and sweet and straight to the point.
I believe I have had Lyme since I was around 26 and I am 34. I think it may have stayed dormant if I did not have a physically traumatic experience...pregnancy. I believe the enormous stress and change on my body woke it up. At first it crept up on me...and then body slammed me when I got so ething that seemed like food poisoning.
I had almost every symptom out there.
I do extraordinary amounts of research...hrs and hrs on the Internet and at the library. I'm not a dr. I am simply sharing my experience and what I have found through extensive research.
Thanksgiving ofn2010 I have food poisoning or first real gut attack from Lyme. I have my first er....10 more to go all in 2 months.
No doctor will diagnose me with anything but anxiety issues and carpal tunnel. So common. I beg a family friend and dr. To put me on doxy (after endless hrs of research I am convinced my symptoms are Lyme but of course fear ms and ALS). She does. I spend 6 months on doxy and have things happen to me I can't believe I made it through sometimes.
My first herx was so intense and insane. It took me4months of doxy 200 mg a day which I raised to 300 and 400 against his wishes based on my research. He was a very knowledgeAble and kind infectious disease dr. Yet lacked in the area of Lyme treatment. My bible in the beginning was naturally Burascano.
My. First herx was about 6 nights 7 days. He kept saying it was just the flu. I have had the flu several ti es. This was not the flu. It was unlike anything I ever experienced. I had a 101 to 103.5 the whole time. I was not just shivering but almost convulsing. My kidneys...omg my poor kidneys. Unreal pain. Sheets were wet from sweat. Buckets. Etc etc
Day seven...recovering
Day 8 feel fantasic. Almost symptom free for a week..then all Lyme symptoms came back. Maybe slightly slightly better.
So....first 6 months doxy...mostly 200mg day..several weeks towards end on 3 to 400
By month3 I start Dragging myself to the gym after continuously reading by very reputable sources that exercise is mandatory for recovery. Going to the gym is more difficult than I can express.
I used the sauna for 20 minutes three times a week.
I sat in hot baths at home whenever I could.
I gave up gluten after noticing my e.r. Visits usuallynhappened after eating something with gluten.
Not eating gluten is the best thing I did for myself. If gave me normal stool and more life threatening flares. Really intense ones but not like the old days.
This is getting too long and choppy..sorry will try to do better...
my 11 months of intense treatment and research
Starts nov. 2010
-First 6 months doxycycline ( first 4 on 200 mg. Next 2 on 300 to 400.)
-by month 3 of treatment start going to gymas much as I could handle. Some weeks five days a week some weeks one or none.
-sat in the sauna almost every time before I leave gym about twenty min. Yes would make my symptoms flare especially ear pressure.
-after 6 months of doxy do 5 months of iv rocephin so far... via Picc. Huge difference. Iv rocephin and oral doxy can't even be compared. Iv rocephin so much more effective killing it.
-month 6 starts insane supplements...potassium for lyme induced hypokalemia. Magnesium, alpha lipoid acid. Lactoferrin, C, fish oil, nac, ubiquinol, b12, multi, so many more I will get my list later.
- by July start drinking two tablespoons braggs apple cider vinegar ... Google the benefits.... Mix it with large glass of water and one tablespoon blackstrap molasses. Yum lol
Also ever morning first thing I do oil pulling with sunflower oil. Google benefits.
I also at this point started testing ph level every morning first urine best way most accurate. Very very acidic so research ph balance and now eat tons of alkaline food every day.
-around July also started pulsing the iv rocephin because of poor blood work. 4 days on three off and pulse echinacea same. Huge improvement..herxes etc...pulsing or even maybe just the change in routine is really effective.
- month two of iv rocephin start doing flagyl 1st week of every month...grows to two weeks. Very helpful! Kills them
So in a nutshell..
Doxycycline, iv rocephin, flagyl, exercise, supplements, oil pulling, apple cider vinegar, blackstrap molasses, noooo gluten, raw garlic, lots of sleep, heating pad, I got one massage wish I had more ahhhhhh, research
I believe the best thing is antibiotics... I strongly believe combining that with alternative treatments and eastern medicine....being disciplined and driven and proactive...that is called recovery to me and for me. Fight fight fight never give up.
I realize I may relapse and will keep u updated
Good luck