Hi exhausteguy,
Welcome to the forum, so sorry you are having trouble getting a diagnosis.
Like bucci said, Southeast PA is a hot bed of Lyme, I should know, I have gotten it multiple times here.
Please have a look at our "New to Lyme?..." thread at the top of the forum. there are symptom lists there -- have a look to see how many you are experiencing. As you noted, everyone presents Lyme differently, especially if you have had it for a long time. There may be many symptoms that you have just put down to the wear and tear of every day living and growing older -- but they all add up to Lyme.
A Lyme Literate Doctor will be able to diagnose you clinically, taking your symptoms and history into account as well as getting more accurate testing. During that process, they will also rule out any other things it could be as well as looking for any tick borne co-infections that you might have.
I would strongly recommend this. You can e-mail me and I will give you my doctor's info. Or you can visit
lymepa.orgfor some suggestions.
For information on finding a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor(LLMD) inyour area, please email our long time member, Dan's Mother at:
phassan@optonline.netIf you'd like more doctor suggestions, you can email stephanie at:
stephanie@turnthecorner.org You can also go to:
www.turnthecorner.org/bod.htm if you want to learn a little bit more about
Lyme Disease.
You can also go to The Lyme Disease Association and search forLLMD's 3 times in a month. You have to register first. Here is thelink:
www.lymediseaseassociation.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=277&Itemid=74 You will want to find an ILADS(International Lyme And AssociatedDiseases Society) doctor. The ILADS site is a great place to read toget you started on your Lyme journey.
www.ilads.org/lyme_disease/treatment_guidelines_clearing_ilads.html Let us know how things go for you!