Oh and as far as people thinkng we might be faking it?
Well I haven't been to church for over a month now and there is a lady there who "dutifully" calls periodically and says upsetting things like "OH MY, ARE YOU STILL HAVING PROBLEMS FROM LYME?
I kinda explained but then sensed that she wasn't buying this lyme thing.
She said (in a doubtful, drawn out tone) well my goodness, I never heard of anyone having all those problems.
Then another friend said she felt so bad and that she can see that I am not feeling well because she said you were always so'vibrant' and now seem so...'blah'. Oh and how about
this? She said you always used to have such a nice tan and now look so 'pasty'. PASTY?? Why thank you very much, that sure makes me feel better. LOL This friend meant well because she understands it can be debilitating.
Oh and my preacher called me to see how I am doing. Well, apparently he doesnt know lyme either because he said, "all this from the tick?" I do not think he believes me.
Well he and his wife want to come visit. Sooooo, what do I say when they visit????
Do I sugar coat everything or pretend all is well? I do not want to whine and tell ALL of what I am going thru because he would most certainly think it is made up.
Nobody can possibly 'get it' until they 'get it'.
So yeah, I totally understand that frustration where you do not know how or if to explain. I dont even want to go back to church because I feel so indifferent now. Just to imagine sitting there like all is well and people asking what is/was wrong. What do you say to keep it short???
Well anyway, I do think I will get better one day and I do think I will care about
things again like I used to. BUT I also think I shall not forget those people who do and say these things and who dont validate me.
So yeah, that is the sad part - the people who are not being such great friends now, I doubt I will want them in my life again.
Post Edited (scorp10) : 9/26/2011 8:35:35 PM (GMT-6)