Yes, BrokenAngel, herxing Is a good thing, though it's hard to remember at times!
Teeners, when you start treatment it will probably feel like all herx all the time. As your treatment continues, you will see a worsening of symptoms when you increase dosage or change up medications. Then you start feeling good, or at least better as symptoms start to fade and go away. Then things will level off until your next med change.
Now if you don't notice any reaction or if you see old symptoms coming back, that might be a sign that you medications are not working. You'll need to tell your doctor at your next visit. I usually am reduced to pathetic whining at that point!!
So,teeners, it is right on track for you to be feeling the way you are. You might continue this to your next docs visit. Let your doc know then how you are feeling -- They might want to know just what has gotten better as that is a shorter list! Lol