Oh boy, LymieAngel!!
Please, let's not go there!! My kids cringe when they think about
having to deal with me when I get really old!!
I think the best thing about
having friends with Lyme as well is that you never have to explain yourself - even if you lose track of the conversation while you are in the middle of a sentence!!! LOL!! They understand how tired you are living with all of these symptoms and just how bad it can hurt!
I believe that it can be very helpful for those of us with TBI's to have a friend (or two or three
) that also has TBI's - I call mine "Lymie-buddies" and don't know where I would be without them! Probably locked up in a padded room with one of those really neat jackets where the arms are so long that they can tie them in the back so that you get to hug yourself
all day long - a 'huggie jacket"!!!
On a bit of a serious note though, in order to help my brain not go to complete mush I did things as Bucci said - only Sodoku was too hard for my brain to learn. So I used the easy crosswords and even 'find-a-word' puzzles when I got really bad. I read where it is crucial to keep the brain as active as possible, so that's what I did. I learned new hobbies - quilting, cross-stitch, and others as well. Anything to keep my mind active and working at as high of a level as I could achieve in any given day - and some days all I could do was veg on a couch, but that was okay too.