Posted 11/20/2011 8:40 AM (GMT -5)
I am making some very good progress healing as well! It's kind of interesting and happens so slowly sometimes that it goes unnoticed but I am slowly feeling better! As many here know, most of my symptoms have been of the disturbing neuro kind! These are not gone but have slipped slowly into the background.
I am not out of the woods yet I don't think but I was able to make it to work and work full days all of last week. Ihad not made more than 3 days since summer before then! Plus, my wife and I actually went out to dinner last night to our favorite restaurant!
The big thing for me is improved sleep over the past month. Sleep has gotten me out of these episodes all my life when I dud not know Lyme was the culprit. There are three things that I have added over the last several weeks which I think have helped.
First is I am doing Yasko's methylation protocol. I noticed improved sleep practically immediately after starting it on 10/18. Second is that I began acupuncture 3 weeks ago. It focuses on building blood, detox and addressing inflammation. The third thing is meditation - visualizing and opening the body to heal. I think all three of these are enabling the abxs to work better and the improved sleep is helping my body to also fight.
Anyway, enough for now. I still think I may have a ways to go to get to full health but these are very positive signs and buoy me during any setbacks. I WILL return to full health and run my 5th marathon next fall, one that I was forced to miss this tear due to the Lyme.
Take care all.