So right now I'm in the middle of my disability claim, so it'd be really bad timing to change doctors. Mine is alright, but I'm not satisfied with her treatment. She's very forgetful, tells me she's too busy to answer any questions I ask between appointments, and tends to keep pushing supplements that don't seem to be working (such as laurisine which I've been taking for 7 months for the EBV that has actually gotten WORSE since treatment!).
Anyway, obviously no one doctor out there is going to do EVERYTHING that everyone here does and suggests...but I really feel like my doctor isn't being nearly aggressive enough, and sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on the most well-rounded treatment available, and I want to do all I can to get better as fast as I can!
...I guess I'm just wondering how much of everyone's treatment protocol is what their doctor advises, and how much is trial and error on your own? I'm taking so many medications and supplements as it is, yet I see a lot of good recommendations here and I'm thinking about ordering some things on my own without consulting my doctor, but I don't know if that's a great idea.
Sometimes I wonder how it's even possible for all of these pills to work. I mean I take so many pills all at the same time...that's just a lot for my body to process, I'd think!