Hi Cardioprimadona!
Welcome to our little spot!! Thank you for a great compliment about
informed patients!! It's unfortunate, but true in my estimation as well!!
Although I know nothing about
HBOT, I would like to suggest that you also take a look at this thread that was started here:
https://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=2299253 as it title is "Recommended books and articles or sites for Lyme treatment", and has a few really good suggestions there as well. okay, no matter what I do, this link won't work (grrr!!!), so I'll bring that post back up to the front of the forum and hope you see it!
I would also recommend that you read "Dr. Joseph Burrascano's paper titled "Advanced Topics in Lyme Disease", which can be found here:
http://betterhealthguy.com/joomla/images/stories/PDF/lymdxrx2008-october.pdf -(Dang it! Looks like I'm not going to get this one to work either, but please do an internet search for this. It can be found on a number of Lyme Disease websites!!)
Although it speaks of using abx treatment, it's still full of some really great info about
not only Lyme, but Babesia, Bartonella, & Ehrlichia along with their symptoms. The majority of people infected with Lyme are also infected with one of the co-infections.
There are courses for doctors to learn more about
Lyme, although I don't have any idea just how useful they would be for someone in your position. Here are the links so that you can decide:
www.ilads.org/lyme_programs/lyme_training.htmlAnd here's the other one;
www.turnthecorner.org/content/physicians-training-program Best of luck sorting things out!! If we can be of more help, please don't hesitate to ask!!
I'm pretty much hating Google Chrome right now (it won't let me post links), so please excuse the bad words!!! *&^$%%$^%$&(*&)*(_)(_()&*&^%$%#$@%$&^*(!!!!!! ACK!!